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Feminist Health Futures

How are students and faculty working collaboratively in ways that respond inclusively to constraints on bodyminds, resource availability, and access in the broadest and most narrow of meanings? Please join us for the launch of a series of conversations about emerging models of collaborative faculty-student research and public scholarship in the health humanities.

In our first conversation, hear presentations from Dr. Kristin Bright (Middlebury College) on The Body Online Lab, Dr. Jacquelyne Luce (Mount Holyoke College) on the Feminist Technoscience Governance Collaboratory, and Dr. Sarah Willen (University of Connecticut) on the Pandemic Journaling Project.

The conversation series on “Feminist Health Futures: enacting Collaborative Pedagogies in the Health Humanities” is funded by a grant from the New England Humanities Consortium (NEHC).

Flyer for opening conversation in the Spring 2024 “Feminist Health Futures” conversation series.